This project involves three components:
We need to solve this non-homogeneous linear system of equations:
A*M = Y
M = A\Y;
M = [M;1];
M = reshape(M,[],3)';
After solving this, we get the projection matrix (M):
The projection matrix is:
0.7679 -0.4938 -0.0234 0.0067
-0.0852 -0.0915 -0.9065 -0.0878
0.1827 0.2988 -0.0742 1.0000
The total residual is: 0.0445
Q = M(:,1:3);
m4 = M(:,4);
Center = -Q\m4;
On solving these we get:
The estimated location of camera is: <-1.5126, -2.3517, 0.2827>
Camera center & Actual and Projected points
We need to solve this homogeneous linear system of equations:
A*f = 0
[U,S,V] = svd(A);
f = V(:,end);
F = reshape(f,[3,3])';
[U,S,V] = svd(F);
S(3,3) = 0;
F_matrix = U*S*V';
F_matrix =
0.0000 0.0000 -0.0018
-0.0000 0.0000 -0.0054
0.0008 -0.0009 1.0000
Epipolar lines for the given test images
Epipolar lines for the given test images with normalized coordinates
It involves the following steps:
index = randsample(size(matches_a,1),x);
samples_a = matches_a(index,:);
samples_b = matches_b(index,:);
F_matrix = estimate_fundamental_matrix(samples_a,samples_b);
inliers = zeros(size(matches_a,1));
count = 0;
for j = 1:size(matches_a,1)
res = [matches_a(j,:) 1]*F_matrix*[matches_b(j,:),1]';
if(abs(res) < threshold)
count = count + 1;
inliers(j) = 1;
confidence_ = count;
if(confidence_ > confidence)
in = find(inliers);
inliers_a = matches_a(in,:);
inliers_b = matches_b(in,:);
Best_Fmatrix = F_matrix;
confidence = confidence_;
Epipolar lines for the Mt Rushmore
Correspondences for the Mt Rushmore pair
Epipolar lines for the Norte Dame
Correspondences for the Norte Dame pair
Epipolar lines for the Episcopal Gaudi
Correspondences for the Episcopal Gaudi pair with iterations = 2000; sample points = 7; threshold = 0.01;
It involves the following steps:
mean_a = mean(Points_a);
Ta = [1 0 -1*mean_a(1);0 1 -1*mean_a(2);0 0 1];
temp = Points_b - repmat(mean_a,size(Points_a,1),1);
s = 1/std2(temp);
Sa = [s 0 0;0 s 0;0 0 1];
temp = zeros(size(Points_a,1),3);
for i = 1:size(Points_a,1)
temp(i,:) = Sa*Ta*[Points_a(i,1);Points_a(i,2);1];
Points_a = temp(:,1:2);
mean_b = mean(Points_b);
Tb = [1 0 -1*mean_b(1);0 1 -1*mean_b(2);0 0 1];
temp = Points_b - repmat(mean_b,size(Points_b,1),1);
s = 1/std2(temp);
Sb = [s 0 0;0 s 0;0 0 1];
temp = zeros(size(Points_b,1),3);
for i = 1:size(Points_b,1)
temp(i,:) = Sb*Tb*[Points_b(i,1);Points_b(i,2);1];
Points_b = temp(:,1:2);
[U,S,V] = svd(A);
f = V(:,end);
F = reshape(f,[3,3])';
[U,S,V] = svd(F);
S(3,3) = 0;
F_matrix = U*S*V';
F_matrix = (Sb*Tb)'*F_matrix*(Sa*Ta);
Epipolar lines for the Mt Rushmore with normalized coordinates
Correspondences for the Mt Rushmore pair with normalized coordinates
Epipolar lines for the Norte Dame with normalized coordinates
Correspondences for the Norte Dame pair with normalized coordinates
Epipolar lines for the Episcopal Gaudi with normalized coordinates
Correspondences for the Episcopal Gaudi pair with iterations = 2000; sample points = 9; threshold = 0.01 and normalized coordinates
It's quite clear from the above results that we get a lot better correspondences if we use normalized coordinates.