Teaching Experience
Computer Animation
Spring 2019
Prof. Karen Liu, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
- Designed and evaluated assignments, quizzes and projects for a batch of over 80 undergraduate students
- Conducted tutorial sessions for helping the students in various topics
Computer Graphics
Fall 2018
Prof. Jarek Rossignac, School of Interactive Computing, Georgia Tech
- Designed and evaluated assignments, quizzes and projects for a batch of over 150 undergraduate students
- Conducted tutorial sessions for helping the students in various topics
Computer Programming and Utilization Lab
Autumn 2017
Prof. Sunita Sarawagi, CSE IIT Bombay
- Designed questions for labs, quizzes, exams and projects for a batch of over 150 undergraduate students
- Conducted tutorial sessions for helping students in various topics
Software Systems Lab
Spring 2016
Prof. Sharat Chandran, CSE IIT Bombay
- Designed and evaluated labs and projects for a batch of over 120 students
- Conducted tutorial sessions for helping the students in topics like django
- Awarded TA of the Month for excellence in work as Teaching Assistant, across all courses in the department